Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Tuesday, May 8th - Addy can brush her teeth

This morning, Josh had to leave for work early, so that meant Addyson had to help me get ready for school. We got dressed and then brushed our teeth. She is really getting pretty good at it!
Am I doing this right Mom?

Check me out!!

Also, today at daycare, her teacher told me that she was almost about to bite another kids leg. Fortunately she caught it in time to stop it. She said "No, Addyson" and then Addy kissed her hand and put it on the other kids leg. Haha, she is SUCH a manipulator!

When she came home from daycare today though, she was a little cranky because she didn't nap very well today.
Puff's please!

I'm tired!

Investigating the spring on her crib

Addyson trying to pull off her lamp and radio

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