Monday, May 21, 2012

Monday, May 21st - Still 2 naps (hopefully for a little longer still)

Day care has been having Addy only take one nap at day with them. She use to get two naps, and was ready to play when she got home. But recently she has been fighting her second nap with them, and some days choosing to save it for me! I love when Addy takes her naps on me! It was a great highlight of my day and an awesome stress reliever. I am currently having some issues at school with our field trip we are having this week. So it was such a great surprise that Addy saved her second nap for me today! She really does take away any and all problems that I might be having at work. Although, I still often contemplate what it would be like to have a job where I didn't have to put up with students, parents, clients, or customers. I guess there aren't many jobs like that. There are days when I question why I am teaching and if I can continue, but the job I wouldn't trade in the world is the best one there is. Being Addyson's mommy and Josh's wife!
Sleeping beauty!
The BEST part of my day!!!!!!!!
Like Addy's new hairstyle?

Beautiful isn't it?!
Dude loves to join us for bath time!

Hi Dude!

Hahahaha! Daddy is SO funny!

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