Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Wednesday, February 1st- 10 Months!

Holy Moley! Addy is 10 months old already!! I can't believe how fast she is growing up! 

Today when I went to pick Addyson up at daycare her teacher told me they kept calling her and her friend, Dalton, Bonnie and Clyde because of the way they were on the move around the room.

Then since it was such a nice day out we went on another run/walk. Addy seems to really enjoy the fresh air and scenery!

A few 10 month stats:
Height - 30 inches
Weight - around 22 lbs.
New Tricks - She can walk with her walking dino now, or really anything like a box or chair will work
Words - I think that she knows Dadda in addition to KaKat
Bed time - She is falling asleep now without much crying around 7:30 or so and sleeping for about 11 hours
Clothes - In size 12-18 month for pants but onesizes she can still fit into 6-9 month or larger
Physical Therapy - She is still going once a month to Theraplay and every other week with early intervention here at home. She still has a slight tilt to the right when standing and is favoring her right side when standing and rolling. So hopefully with some work this month we can stop Theraplay next month!
Favorite toy - She doesn't really have one favorite but she is showing more interest in books, loves her Dino walker, stacking cups, shape sorter, and her cheerio cup!

This is FUN mommy!

"I'm tired, what about you?!"

Since it is her 10 month birthday we also took her monthly pictures! Enjoy the picture fest!!

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