Today was a great day for visiting with family!! Addy got to visit today with GG, Mom mom, Pop pop, Uncle Chris, Emily, Uncle Matt, Uncle Bret, and Aunt Colleen. Addyson showed off her walking abilities, appetite, pointing, and adorableness!
We went to Firebirds for lunch were Addy had her own grilled cheese! She is turning in to such a big girl! Everyone loved her skinny jeans and sparkly pink hood. Addy ate not only her sandwich but also green beans, cantaloupe, honeydew, and mum mums.
Then after our visit and lunch we went to Toys R Us so that we could buy swings for Addyson! Look forward to pictures of Addyson enjoying her swing. We tested it out with her today (Josh and I) by just holding onto the rope and swinging her. She had a big smile on her face, so I can't wait till we hook it up to the beams we have in our house.
On another note, I'm excited that everyone is enjoying this blog so much! I hope that I don't disappoint anyone, and if anyone has any suggestions or requests just let me know! More pictures? More Addy games? More milestones? More toy reviews? More Clothes reviews? Anything, just let me know and leave a comment! :)
THE MOST precious thing in the world, having Addyson fall asleep on me!!! I LOVE IT! | | | | | |
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She is still waking up! |
Addyson, GG and Daddy |
Emily and Uncle Chris! |
Addyson and her lemon! |
Eating her grilled cheese |
I don't really know what she is doing here! |
Playing peak-a-boo |
This lunch stuff is FUN!! |
Addyson was interested in all of the TOYS!! :) |
LOVE her skinny jeans! I wish I looked as good as she does in them! :) |
Isn't she a cutie pie?!?!?! |
Addy and Pop pop |
Addy looking like a plumber! |
She is SO BIG and ADORABLE! |
Toys R Us Fun! |
This is comfy! |
Where's the TV?? |
This one is TOO SMALL mommy! |
Where's my food?! |
We were trying to capture her blow her bubbles... but she wasn't cooperating! |
Daddy! :) |
Cute baby sleeping!! |
Mommy! :)
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