Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Wednesday, June 20th - An awesome visit with Juliana and Lily!

Addyson had a great time visiting with Juliana and Lily today in Cape May! She did get a little jealous when I held Lily today and immediately wanted to be picked up today after I held her. But Lily is SO adorable and beautiful!! And so sweet!

Addy loved following Jules around the house, and into the baby pool. Unfortunately I didn't bring a swim suit or a swim diaper, but we improvised the best I could. So in the pictures you might notice a little something extra on her back side.

Someone is ready to wrap presents!

"That's not a bubble Addyson, its a balloon!" :)

Addyson watching closely

This view had me laughing all afternoon! I sent this to Josh and he replied with some lines of a Sir Mix A Lot song...

This is the life!

Addyson watching very closely! :)

Such a FUN afternoon!!

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