Monday, June 25, 2012

Monday, June 25th - Bubbles!

Today Addyson was very adamant on one thing. She wanted to play with BUBBLES!! She kept pointing to the bubble container and saying "Bub Bub's" so finally once the rain cleared up she tried to put on her shoes and head out to the deck to play with bubbles. I did have to help her to put her shoes on, but she did give it a valiant try!

Addyson actually not only enjoys playing with the bubbles that I make, but she can also blow her own bubbles! I'll try to take a picture of it this afternoon, but it is adorable! I will also have to go hunting for the bubble wands since Addy decided it would also be fun if she dropped them between the cracks of the deck.

She also found a new friend, a praying mantis!

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