Friday, August 3, 2012

Wednesday, August 1st - 16 Months

Addyson is 16 months old today! And she is looking more and more like a little girl instead of my baby. :( and :)

She is mimicking like crazy, loves animal sounds (really any sound effect at all), still nursing in the morning, running and climbing everywhere, saying a lot more words, giving lots of hugs and kisses, and still growing like a weed.

Today, Addy and I headed down to Wildwood for the baby parade. But due to the rainy weather there was a rain delay. So we spent the day helping Pop Pop with the wagon ship (PT 109) and hanging out at the house.

It was somewhat serindipitious because since there was a rain delay the parade was moved to tomorrow August 2nd which just happened to be the 69th anniversary of the sinking of PT 109.

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