Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Tuesday, August 14th - Fun with Markers!

So, I thought I might loose my mind today since Addy really didn't nap AT ALL! But instead, I managed to save my sanity by buying Addyson new markers, making popcorn for her, and lots of deep breaths!

I don't know what I am doing wrong, but Addy just DOES NOT NAP!!! She started out this summer napping for 2 hours, and then quickly reduced that number. Today, she "might" have napped 20 minutes in the car, might have. I don't know what makes me more frustrated, the trying to get her to sleep or lack of sleep. I've tried the car, stoller, letting her scream (cry), watching TV with her cuddling, filling her belly and rocking her... but NOTHING seems to work!

I just feel like a mommy failure today :(

But, I guess we probably just all have those days. Hopefully I'm not alone!

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