Thursday, July 5, 2012

Thursday, July 5th - Homemade Playdough

Since today is another HOT day, I was trying to think of some indoor acitvities for Addy and I to enjoy. So, today we made playdough!! Addyson helped pick out the color and add the water! She was so excited to help! But when she was allowed to play with it, she had a hard time not eating it! I think I remember myself though enjoying the taste of the salty playdough as well!

Also, Uncle Matt helped play with Addyson today while I went to a memorial for a former student.  It was so touching and inspirational. This student showed everyone that they should live everyday enjoying each moment with a smile on your face and with people you love!

And who couldn't enjoy every moment with this incredible, sweet, loving, funny, adorable, and smart little girl!

And how can you not laugh at this little girl doing the Micheal Jackson!

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