Thursday, July 26, 2012

Thursday, July 26th - Playdate with Juliana and Lily

Its funny how much it reminds me of Jennie and I when Juliana and Addyson play together. Its adorable and so fun to watch! Addy followed Juliana around and tried to do whatever it was she was doing. She enjoyed playing dress up, drinking her milk (and Jules'), sitting in a stroller, laying in a pack-n-play, getting a cool pocketbook (Thank's Uncle Hal), running around the house, and playing with spoons!

What would you caption this??

Mom Mom's greatest hits now with a soundtrack!

Jules wanted to play dress up, how do you like Addy's outfit?

Addy loved this mat, maybe I should bring her's out again!

Now, caption this one!

I'll have a bottle........... of milk.....

And here are the pictures that Juliana took!

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