Monday, July 2, 2012

Monday, July 2nd - 15 Month Check up

Everything went great today at Addyson's 15 month check up (except that I forgot to make her 18 month appointment, which hopefully I'll remember to do tomorrow). When we arrived this afternoon, Addyson went right for the wooden peg and wire block toy. She had fun playing with another little boy in the waiting room. The mom of this little boy asked how old Addy was and was shocked at how big she is for her age. Addyson was the same size as her son who was 2.

Addy now weighs 25.2 pounds (90th %) and is 33 inches tall (99th%). Her development is right on track and she received 2 more shots (hepatitis and whooping cough).

"Eating" her yogurt this morning

Wrapping up our artwork for today

Not too happy that finger painting is all done

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