Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Tuesday, April 3rd - 1 Year Check up!

Addyson had a good checkup today for her 12 month well check. She now weighs 23.5 pounds, is 32 inches long and is consistent with her measurements (off the charts for height and 90% for weight). I don't think she has ever been anything but off the charts and 90% for height and weight respectively.  She has a few moles, I think, starting on her back. Her doctor said that we'll just keep an eye on them. Hopefully she won't be blessed with as many moles as her Daddy, though! Her doctor was very happy with her motor skills, walking and signing, and said that she should start saying a few words before 15 months. Hopefully she will start soon then!

At day care today, apparently she was walking ALL OVER the place! She is growing up so, way to fast!

And, she enjoyed playing with all of her new toys today! Thank goodness too because I think she was really starting to get bored of her old ones! :)

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