Thursday, April 12, 2012

Thursday, April 12th - Going from the floor to standing

I had to wake Addy up twice today. Once this morning and once when I picked her up at day care. 

Addyson can now go from crawling to standing without pulling up on anything!! Go Addy!

Addy's pictures from day care came today, and I have to say, they really weren't the best pictures ever but they are darn cute.

Can you spot Addy's twin?

Also at day care her teacher Ms. Val told me that Addy is very close to transitioning to the twaddler room. She said in the next month, May, she would be starting her transition. I can't believe that she is growing up so fast!!
We had to get diapers and kitty litter at the store today

Addy is still REALLLY unsure of the sand side of the table. Hopefully she will love it this summer!

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