Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Wednesday, March 7th - Stool Walker!

Today when I picked Addyson up from day care her teacher told me that she thinks Addy is SO CLOSE to walking! She said that she thinks she will actually start walking right before her first birthday. She is walking around all of the cribs, walls, toys and everything else! This afternoon, she decided to use our stools as walkers and at one point was pushing both stools at once!

And check out yesterday's post. Its updated with new pictures!
I'm on the ground for now... but soon I'll be walking!

For now though, here is my walker!

Her double walker got caught though on the rug.

Today was pajama day at school!

This is MY food mom... not yours!!

Addy and her FAVORITE food... Clementines!

Yay! Daddy's home!

Addyson blowing kisses!

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