Thursday, March 15, 2012

Thursday, March 15th - Beware of the TEETH of March

Addyson wore her new pj's last night and I LOVE them! They are so soft and adorable! What do you think?

I think Addy is cutting a few more teeth. She has been a little more cranky lately and trying to bite my arm, shoulder, etc. And tonight when we put her to bed, she just started crying and crying (not typical for her at all). Josh gave her Tylenol and was able to get her to sleep (hopefully she stays that way)!

At the grocery store today Addyson took off both of her socks and tried to leave one behind. Fortunately I spotted the bear foot and was able to complete a reconnaissance mission to retrieve it. Then when we got home, Addyson just wanted to play with all of the groceries especially the frozen foods (hence another reason why I think she is teething again)!

Later, when we were playing, Addyson spotted a dog on the TV. She got really excited, as you can tell!! :)

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