Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Sweet Week - Crayola Experience

Day two of sweet week, planned again in the morning, was the Crayola Experience. I have wanted to go back on a non-crowded day for a long while now. Today was the perfect day. There were a handful of people. Caden and Addy were very well behaved (except at the end Addy was getting tired and hungry). And, we finally made it through the crayon show demonstration! Addyson loved the playground the best, so that's were I was able to feed Caden twice. She did have a meltdown on the bathroom floor (ewww) when I was changing Caden's diaper as we were heading out. The only nap she had was a small one on the way up, but it was still such a sweet day! :)

For some reason, Addy did NOT want to make an iPad drawing, so I did instead

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