Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Happy 3rd Birthday Addyson

It's so hard to believe that you are 3 today! You have gone from a newborn who would always stand up lock legged to a curious animal sound loving toddler to sweet and smart big sister.

You amaze me every day! I love you oh so much Addyson!

Today we tried to go to Monkey Joes (but April Fools they were closed, for real). So instead we went to Jungle World, had DQ, watched Tinkerbell (and I didn't make you nap) and had pizza and cake for dinner. It was a great day!!

And hung out with a sometimes happy but mostly fussy Caden.

Played outside, but you dumped all of your bubble solution out so you could splash in it.

And painted each others faces!

Except Caden didn't want any part of it.

And we tried to take a selfie but the flash was too bright. 

Happy 3rd Birthday, Addyson Reese Federoff!!

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