Thursday, April 17, 2014

Caden week 2

I figured since I'm so behind catching up on all that we have done for the past 8 weeks, I will just group everything by week (and then hopefully I can stay on track, we will see).

Josh was still home on paternity leave :)
Addyson was still silly

Caden was still adorable, but so tiny! That is a newborn size which was on the big side.

Addy wanted a mustache

And discovered a love for playing under the rock and play. And playing with the cats (since I was a little per-occupied)

Caden practiced to be a duck

And he slept a lot :) Which was WONDERFUL

Still sleeping

Addyson liked to make messes

I fell in love with the rock and play, this thing is awesome!

New bedtime routines were established

Cartoons were watched after nap time

Caden is a sleeper in his car seat, the complete opposite of Addyson!!

Fun times were had a Monkey Joes!

Tummy Time. Caden could hold his head up right away! Not very far or long, but still I was impressed.

More sleeping

A good shot of his red hair

Fastnach's were eaten

Naps were glorious!
Addyson put on a show at the Mall.

Playing at Monkey Joes.

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