Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Caden Week 10 - Caden is TWO months!

Time flies when you are having fun! It is so hard to believe that Caden is now 2 months old! Its going by all way to fast!

We finally made it to the Elmwood Park Zoo!

Addyson had a trash hunt as practice before her Egg Hunts for Easter

We took a trip to Redners

Easter Bunny's Goodies!

The magnolia tree when planted as a gift for our parents for an awesome wedding and after almost 7 years!

Ahhhhh, sunshine! And a baby mullet

Happy Birthday Mom Mom!!

Addyson at 2 months (for comparison)

Lots of smiles and small laughs :)

Can you spot Pop Pop?? He came up to help when I had to go to the silly court meeting...

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