Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Wednesday, January 18th - 9 Month checkup

Today Addy had her 9 month checkup.  There was another little boy there in the waiting room.  The other little boy was 13 months old but Addy was bigger then him.  Addy measured out to 30" and 21.5 lbs.  She is still off the charts for height! Her weight is still in the 90th percentile too!  She also got a heel prick and shot but she didn't cry at all!

When Josh got home Addy was so excited and happy!  She just kept doing laps around the island.  It's nice to have a happy baby that feels well again!

Addy was looking for the knob that would squirt Josh! :)
Soooo BIG! Tickle, Tickle!
Mom, stop taking pictures and let me read my book!
Her heal boo boo
This is FUN mom!!

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