Monday, January 16, 2012

Monday, January 16th

Today was a GREAT Monday!

I had off school today for the holiday, but Josh still had to work unfortunately... So Addy and I figured it would be nice to go up and see him during lunch! We hung out all morning and took a nice nap on the couch. Then made our way up to Daddy's work! Addyson showed off her cute outfit, adorable hair and pearly whites at MSS. Then we had a yummy lunch at Panera bread where Addy enjoyed a bagel. YUMMMMMMY!

It was so great to have a nice, relaxing Monday. Addy even stood by herself for about 1.5 seconds (which was pretty cool)!

And now the Addy show for the day:
Today, Dude also made a new friend! Although from this picture it looks like Dude was going to eat Stinky... unfortunately I got to Stinky first!

Hi Mommy!

What's behind this picture?!

Its a FISH!

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