Monday, January 9, 2012

Monday, January 9th

Since its a Monday... I decided to keep Addyson in her PJ's ALL day. I figured, "Hey, this is what I want to wear so I think she'll enjoy it!" Josh said she cried just a little bit today when he dropped her off so she must had a case of the Monday's too!

Now that our heater is fixed (thanks again dad!)  we had a nice warm house to play in after school. So we took full advantage of the situation!

Beware, there are LOTS of pic's to follow!

Addyson has just now really started laughing for me :)

Look at those pearly whites

I see you!

Then she found the balls... oh what fun!

Dude wanted to get in on the action too!

And she then started throwing them out of the play pen!

This is Addy's face for "Oooohh this is fun too!"

Let me try this again!

Yep, still fun!

Again! Again!

Then we started playing in the laundry basket... She wasn't impressed until...

It started MOVING!

 Then Josh got home and we had yummy leftover enchilada bake. Addy wasn't too into eating her food tonight, so most of her veggies came right back out of her mouth and a few puffs and black beans ended up on the floor.

Then it was BATH TIME!
Unlike her comb over from yesterday... Here is what her hair normally looks like after Josh brushes it.

Such a pretty little girl!

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