Sunday, January 8, 2012

Sunday, January 8th

We had a lazy day around the house today. Just a nice and relaxing Sunday! Our only outing was to Redner's. Addyson and Josh came along and of course Addy was all smiles for daddy and waving at everyone else in the store. Today was such a nice relaxing Sunday. We still need to take down all of our Christmas decorations and tree, but at least we turned off our Christmas lights so we weren't the only ones on the block with them still on!
Addyson had a great time at the store, although her favorite item we bought were her puffs which she chewed on the can for a while.

In bath time tonight Josh was combing Addyson's hair and I thought i'd be funny to see what a comb-over would look like (since she has the long left side). And here is the product!
I think it looks pretty darn cute!!

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