Monday, August 5, 2013

The Last Two Weeks :)

OK. I know, I know. I've been very neglectful to this blog lately, so here is an update of our last two weeks.

FACE PAINTING or PAINT FACE (as Addyson calls it)
Addyson LOVES to paint, especially her face and her hands. Whenever she sees paint, this is all that she wants to do...
And I think she's getting pretty good at it!

Originally, we  had just planned for Pop to watch Addyson while we all went to run. But, thankfully he agreed to take Addyson in the stroller! :) So we all got to enjoy this glowing night. Unfortunately, right before we started running, lightning joined the party. And thankfully we were able to run,  no one got hurt, and we will be able to run again for FREE next year! Addyson really enjoyed the run too, but she was getting a little tired towards the end of the night.

Hanging out before the race with Mimi
Capriotti's for dinner

Warming Up

The finish line

Once they returned home from exploring national parks in their tear drop trailer, we stopped by for a fun visit! Addyson enjoyed the Oxford Memorial Playground, Library, baby pool and their company!
I enjoyed their help with Addyson!

Black Cherry Preserves (a gift from their trip)

And of course Bear Feet Socks!
Addyson was the first one of our home grown strawberries. It was the first one of the season, but our second year with the plant.

 And lots of baths. I wasn't paying very close attention to this one, and almost overflowed the tub!!

Addyson is SUCH and animal lover! Every animal on Round Stone Farm gets at least twenty hugs whenever we visit. Even the chickens!

And Thank you Mimi and Pop for all of your help with Addyson! They watched her one night so that we could attend the Lumineer's concert!
Last year we were beaten by Elvis. But this year, we were victorious thanks to an awesome pirate ship build by Pop Pop!
Addyson had such a great time!! She LOVED waving and throwing her gold coins to the crowd! And she was thrilled with the dance party entertainment at the end of the parade. She even gave Ronald McDonald a high five!!! But was so so happy with her "surprise" trophy (with a baby in their underwear on top).

We also made a stop at the Cape May County Zoo

And on the way home, I had a nice lunch date with Addyson
And to finish up this update. This past weekend, we took Addyson to her second Phillies game. She enjoyed it, but its still hard for her to sit in a seat for an extended period of time. She did love clapping, trying to catch a ball, and cheering on Chooch!

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