Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Its August...

The time when you start seeing back to school commercials with smiling parents and frowning kiddos. And its the time when I relate so much more to the kids than to their parents. I'm excited to see my teacher friends again and shop for back to school outfits, but nervous about my classes and feeling that I'm never going to be prepared.

I remember back in elementary school, the same feeling. I think it was the night before I was starting 6th grade when I told my mom how nervous I was for the upcoming school year. Being a teacher herself she had some insight and said, "I think your teacher is more nervous than you are!" So, yes, the nerves are still there and although I might not be more nervous than my students, I'm still at least JUST AS nervous, maybe more than some.

It fit in as much summer as we can before the dreaded ;) school year this past week, we've taken a trip to Shady Maple, my classroom, worked on her creative side, and visited the Vendrick's in Middletown.

Addyson tried out ALL of the shopping carts at Shady Maple on our shopping trip!

She ended up with a shopping cart of her own following Pop Pop, GG and Mom Mom

Addyson is a fan of my room!

Helping to hang posters

And took some time out for a snack and Finding Nemo

She is becoming quite the artist! This is her "alligator" but I was REALLY impressed!

A fan of puzzles too!

Playing with Brenna and Grayson. Thanks again Bret and Dana! Addyson LOVES your house!!

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