Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Tuesday, December 25th - Christmas Day

We all had a GREAT Christmas day! Addyson slept in until 8, woo hoo!

We all woke up at the Federoff's this morning. Addyson is one lucky girl because Santa visited for her AGAIN at both the Federoff's and Vendrick's!

Addy is in love with her new kitchen! Her face when it was first revealed was priceless! She enjoyed seeing the snow still on the ground today. And she enjoyed having all of us in our PJ's.

At the Vendrick's she was starting to get a little sleepy so her new stuffed toys started to scare her. But she really just wanted to keep playing with her old toys there and eat whip cream and M&M's.  After a nap she warmed back up to her presents and was good ol' Addyson!

Later, we visited GG and did a present exchange there with GG.

Finally we all came back to the Vendrick's, had dinner, Addy took a bath, and is now FINALLY passed out (after crying :( for a little while).

Goodnight and MERRY CHRISTMAS! Hope everyone also had a great, peaceful, and relaxing day!

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