Saturday, December 1, 2012

December 1st - O' Christmas Tree

Josh found a perfect tree. Addy helped Josh cut it down (by making sure he was safe). Pop and Mimi helped transport and carry the tree for us. And now Addyson and the kitties are in love with our Christmas tree!

Hold me tight Mimi! Its cold out here! A lot colder than Mommy expected!

OK. Let's go find a tree!

Come on I see a good one over here!

Right here! Isn't this a tree??

Rudolph Addyson

OK Pop what about this one?!

Take a picture of me cutting down this tree, OK?

Just kidding...

Dad's going to do it!

Go for it Dad!

Are you doing OK?

What exactly are you doing?!

Oooooohh. I see!

Timber! Oh.... SNOW!!!

See Pop, Its YUMMY!!!

OK Dad, this way!\

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