Monday, September 24, 2012

Monday September, 24th - Another Daddy Post!

So...  Addyson is finally starting to feel better.  But of course now Alison is sick : (

When I got home from work Alison just wanted to lay down.  That was fine by me because Addy was in such a good mood and I was able to spend some good Daddy/Daughter time with her.

We made Daddy's dinner of Ramen Noodles (I feel like I'm in college again because that was the second night of Ramen, but it's sooo good)!  We sat down and Addy ate some more of her Spaghettios (Yuck)!

After that we did bath time where Addy did her creative interpretation of "Edward Scissor Hands," by doing "Addy Crayon Fingers!"  Then Alison came out to give Addy a kiss goodnight and I rocked with her until she was ready to go in the crib.

Now they are both fast asleep!  I hope both my girls start feeling better soon!

Addy acting like a baby by crawling across the floor to Daddy

"Pick me up!"

"I'll smile when I feel like it!"

"Like now!"  Addy Crayon Hands!

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