Thursday, December 25, 2014

Caden's Milestones

I've been so lazy about recording Caden's milestones. Poor second child. So here is a quick run down, as best as I can remember them at least!

He has been and still is such a happy, cuddly baby. He loves Mommy, face tickling, laughing (especially at his sister), crunchies, food (in general), cars, toys (he enjoys really playing with them and figuring them out), stacking things, and his pacifier.

He had a rough month from mid- October through November with 3 ear infections, a cold and teething but we all made it through and he now finally seems to be sleeping at night!! (I probably just jinxed myself though)

His new habits are putting things behind his back, babbling like crazy, cruising on the couch, standing for a few seconds, and waving.

First laugh - 1 month
First rolled over - 2 months
First tooth - 6 months
Second tooth - 9 months
First time standing himself holding on - 7 months
First time sitting - 6 months
First cereal - 3 2/3 months (he has always LOVED food!!)
First puree - 4 1/2 months
First people food - 5 months
First time walking with the dino walker - 9 1/2 months

We love you Caden! And its my New Years resolution this year to keep a record for all of the awesome things you will do in 2015, and your awesome sister too! :) I love you two!

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