Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Big Wheels, Santa (Addy), and a Movie Date

For Christmas, Addyson got a Mini Mouse Big Wheel from my parents. It took a few tries at first but now she is a big wheel driving pro! Steering seemd to be the hardest part for her, but now she has the hang of it. And she loves it!  I know Caden can't wait to join his big sister!

The face of determination :)

Playing with Pop Pop

Addy's new Frozen tent that she now sleeps in. This is another Christmas present from Mimi and Pop

And Caden kneeling :)

"Sleeping" in the tent

She got  a "boo boo" on her nose and had this band-aid on for about 4 hours. Then she told me if she took it off she could have a piece of candy. She's a trip :)
Date afternoon with Josh :)

Addyson playing Santa!

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