Thursday, March 27, 2014

Newborn pictures

Newborn pictures are so so adorable. Especially when they are of your own children. So, after we had Caden the photographer at the hospital asked if we wanted to have some newborn pictures done of Caden. I knew that I wanted to take my own when we got home from the hospital, but I figured that I could learn a few things watching the hospital photographer work. They turned out really cute, but I still have a preference for mine :)  If you want to see them for yourself, click here and use the password - 537201446380464

Chris also took a few of his own, and you can see them here.

Here are mine!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Ok to wake owl = Awesome!!

When we first came home from the hospital, Addyson slept worse than Caden. It was not fun at all for any of us. We tried gates and crying. Lots of crying. To prevent crying from happening I came up with a few ideas. First Addy and I made a bedtime list in addition to her sticker chart which she had before. Everything we were going to do to get ready for bed was on the list. Since she helped me make the list she couldn't add anything too it while we were doing it at night and Josh and I followed the step in order for her. Next I got her a bedtime owl. It's like an alarm clock, it glows green when she can get out of bed but also glows a calming yellow and plays music when you turn it on when it's not wake up time. And, it worked!!!!!  She now sleeps again and doesn't get up until the owl glows green (most days). Yay Addy!!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Baby snuggles

Are the best! One of the greatest things of life! Especially with sweet Caden!!