Sunday, February 16, 2014

Superbowl Weekend 2014

The first weekend this year in February was Superbowl weekend and Uncle Jon's birthday.  Its still so hard to believe that its February and that Caden will be here very shortly. It amazed me with Addyson, and the same with Caden of how ssllloowww and fast their pregnancies felt.

Saturday we just relaxed, and worked on some final preparations around the house for Caden. Laundry, organizing closets, clothes, baby items, cleaning the bathroom and the list continues! Addy and I found time for another nap (I'm amazed that we can both still fit on the couch).

Sunday, Addyson got to play with her furry cousins, eat ice cream cake, and wish Uncle Jon a happy birthday! She also got to jam out to Bruno Mars during the half time show, too!

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