Sunday, October 20, 2013

What Addy and I do with our Afternoon's Together

Once I pick Addyson up from school, the first thing she always wants to do (and I as well, since I eat lunch at 10am) is to have a snack.

Next, we usually have arts and crafts time. Which usually consists of face painting of some kind, or just good old coloring. Sometimes play-dough, too!

If the weather is nice, we will go out for a walk to one of our local playgrounds.

Or just take some time to play in the leaves.

We have also been on the search for her camera. Not quite sure where I, or she put it, but since we haven't found it yet, sometimes I let her borrow mine.

We also finish some household errands that I have, since she loves to help!

And take a bath, check out this sassy look!

And most importantly we spend time cuddling before Daddy gets home! :)

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