Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Addy's New Special Bed

Addyson had been very excited to move into her new room. She loved playing in her new room even when her furniture or bed wasn't even there yet! She was also very excited for her "special bed" to be brought up by Mom Mom and Pop Pop. So about two weeks ago, her bed finally arrived! We weren't going to have her sleep in it overnight (I was SO afraid of this transition, and how she would respond) but she insisted on sleeping there overnight! She's had good nights and bad nights, but overall she has done so much better with this transition than I thought! We just need to install a baby gate now at her door so we can avoid 5 am wake up calls.

Her first reaction to her new bed

After setting up her bed, we headed out to an "apple festival" where there were no apples to be seen, smelled or eaten...

She got a hole in one on this shot!

Reading before bed

Ahhh... finally asleep

18 weeks

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