Sunday, July 7, 2013

Potty Training Pro

Addyson is amazing. I can't take any real credit for "training" her but she now is fully potty trained. Even at night!

It all started last summer when I bought a potty for her. She would #1 and #2 go every once in awhile but nothing with any real pattern or frequency.

Then at school, Addyson was old enough that they started using the potty with her during the day. She started to go longer periods of time being dry without wetting her diaper.

During the evening when I was home with Addyson, I would wait for her to cook in her kitchen (which usually allows triggered a trip to the potty to go #2) and then instead of putting her in another diaper, I would put her in underwear. I think she only ever had 2 accidents, but I think it was enough for her to realize when she needed to use the potty.

This summer, since I was home with her, I just decided to go for it. I only put her in underwear! I don't remember any accidents. But for naps and at night I still had her in a Dora pullup. Until I realized she was waking up DRY! So, why not just keep her in underwear!

There was one night with an accident, but I think it had a lot to do with the 2 glasses of milk she drank before she went to bed. Since then, we have been smoothly sailing on dry land :)

Go Addyson!!!!

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