Friday, July 12, 2013

Addyson's First Movie!

Since Addyson loves to watch shows on her iPad, I thought it might be time that Addyson would be able to enjoy a movie. So, before we left for our beach vacation, Addyson experienced her first movie. We went to the Movie Tavern with Mom Mom to see Monster's University. Addyson did pretty well, but did start to get antsy about 3/4 of the way through. But nothing a few bathroom trips and candy couldn't help! :) The movie was great and the theater was not crowded at all (so hopefully we didn't ruin anyone's experience).

Then yesterday, we went to see another movie at the Movie Tavern. But this time Mimi and Aunt Jill came along to see Despicable Me 2. And I was a little bit more prepared, so Addyson did even better!

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