Sunday, June 9, 2013

Philadelphia Zoo

Today we went to the zoo, zoo, zoo! And we invited Chris and Emily along too, too too!

We all had a great time! Addyson loved the monkeys (especially the gorilla), fountain, looking at the zoo balloon, ice cream, face paint, goats, ducks, snakes, crocodiles, fish, chicks, ants and pretzels.

I wish this one was in focus...

Making a wish

Wish this one was in focus too!!

Seeing the zoo balloon for the first time in the air

Giving it the side eye

Running after it!

Not so sure at first...

But warmed up quickly

Love this!

And this!

Don't worry Mimi, this is about as far a she got inside the "germ tube" :)

Addy wanted her face painted today at the zoo... but that would have cost $8. I told her I would paint her face at home for free! :) Cheap Mommy right here!!

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