Sunday, June 23, 2013

Fun at Wildwood

This past Thursday, Addyson and I headed down to Wildwood for some summer fun! We met Mom Mom and Pop Pop down at the beach house and arrived at the same time.

Addyson was excited to be down at the beach! She started with a cocktail of orange soda. Then we went on a bike ride to the bay playground where she made a few friends. And for dinner, we had some yummy food at Owen's Pub.

On Friday, we started with donuts for breakfast. Went on a bike ride. Went to the wildwood crest playground (were Addyson kept getting dizzy because of all of the spiny rides). Took a 2 1/2 hour nap!!!! Went to the beach. Showered. And had pizza for dinner!

Addyson LOVED the beach. She now runs right for the water... and then right out of the water. But loved to jump the waves, too. And loved making sand castles... and destroying them!

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