Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter Sunday

We had a great, but busy Easter Sunday. We started our morning at Old Country Buffet with the Vendrick GROUP (and its quite a group that we bring). It was also the last time that Addyson could eat there for free (since she was still under 2). Afterwards, we went to Gram's to hang out with everyone. Addyson enjoyed the egg hunt, playing with cousins, GG's company and all of their toys!

Next, we headed to the Federoff's for an Easter lunch. Addyson saw the Neigh Neigh's, had a bunny birthday cake, ate a yummy lunch, and enjoyed the company!

Then, we went to my parents house for Easter dinner. Addyson enjoyed another egg hunt, playing with Juliana, eating candy, playing with all of the toys from her Easter basket at Mom Mom and Pop Pop's house, hanging out with her Uncles, and a yummy dinner!

And, now you can compare last year's EASTER with this year!

Finally, she passed out in the car on the way home. And I mean she was OUT! Unfortunately, she woke up with about 5 minutes to go before we got home, and didn't fall back asleep until 9. Only after lots of crying and screaming. AND, Addyson decided to wake me up again, just like she did two years ago on her birthday. Around 1ish she started crying, didn't stop for an hour, so I tried to have her go back to sleep on the couch (so that I could sleep too, it was a busy weekend for us all) but didn't have any luck. Needless to say, we were all very tired this morning!

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