Friday, February 15, 2013

Valentine's Day!

We had an awesome Valentine's Day yesterday. Addy had a party at school (she brought the cheese sticks), got and gave out some awesome valentines, but most importantly she got chocolate and flowers! She couldn't wait to dig into her valentines gift bag and eat her hershey kisses her teachers had gotten her. She almost threw a full out fit when I picked her up from school ;) That girl just wanted her chocolate!

Then, when we got home, Addyson opened up her mail with Valentine's day cards. She LOVED them! And she loved the stamp set Josh and I got her. And she was a sticky mess, enjoying her lollipop.

After her candy rush, Addyson had to use the potty. Now, usually when Addyson uses the bathroom after she gets back from daycare, I put her in underwear instead of diapers. How cute is she?

When Josh came home, he surprised us with flowers! Addyson loved hers and loved smelling them!

Sealed with a KISS!

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