Friday, February 22, 2013

Oh, Canada - Flashback Friday

I haven't done a flashback for a while, so enjoy some flashback pictures of a Vendrick family vacation. These are from our Summer Vacation of 2003 to Maine and Canada. I loved some of these, some of these made me LAUGH, and all of these brought back great memories!

Sorry for all of the pictures... I couldn't help myself! :)

Cartwheels on a log

Fundy National Park

The old mini van!

Hotel in Bar Harbor

Cadillac Mountain

On the way back home...

One of my favorite pictures EVER!

One of the MOST hilarious pictures I have! :)

Long 12 mile bridge to Prince Edward Island

This weird hair picture that Mom remembered from her visit as a child. Still hanging (as of 2003) in Prince Edward Island.

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