Monday, July 7, 2014

Cereal, Cuddles, Company, Play Doh and the Owl Light

The past week we have enjoyed a few visits from Mom Mom and Mimi. We have also continued feeding Caden rice cereal, which he has been loving (actually getting to eat real food). Of course lots of time cuddling my babies! We also were trying to stay cool, so a visit to the splash park was in order! And getting Addyson to make sure she stays in bed until her owl turns green (we had been letting her get up a little earlier when I had gone back to work so that I could have a little more time with her in the morning).

Caden's first horse ride

I bet Caden can't wait until he is able to partake in the splash park

At the neat toy store in KOP mall

Doesn't Caden look huge here?!

Addy's new play doh toy set from Mimi, which she LOVES!!!!

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