And one of the last day's off that I will have where its just going to be Addy and I. Very bittersweet. We made the best of a cold, windy day though. My nesting has been kicking into HIGH gear so I needed to get a few things done.
We started the day with Addyson helping me to clean/clear out/organize the kitchen cabinets. We got a lot done, but I could tell she was getting pretty antsy. So, we headed to the outlets. I remember feeling with Addyson, that we just didn't have enough clothes. That needed to be solved and solved again. We picked out a lot of cute clothes for baby brother and best of all they were having a great sale at Carters!
Since Addyson behaved so well, I let her take a few rides at the outlets too. And cleaning out the cabinets we found a butterfly and Elmo sandwich cut out. So, for lunch she requested a cheese Elmo sandwich.
As all great day's do, ours ended with a cozy, warm nap!
I got her into the car by giving Addy her first piece of gum. She wasn't a fan! |