Saturday, December 21, 2013

Christmas Traditions 2013

This year we started 2 new traditions. Thanks to Mom Mom and Pop Pop Addyson has an advent book box this year. She loves opening up a new story every night and reading it with Daddy (while I lay/fall asleep in her bed since I can't seem to stay up past 8 anymore thanks to her baby brother). The second new tradition is our Elf, Snowflake. She came down from the North Pole and flies back every night to send Santa a report of how well behaved Addyson is. She is quite the silly elf. :)

Oh, and a MUCH MUCH needed mint oreo blizzard for Mommy (Poor baby brother has experienced a pretty stressful class I have this year, but the ice cream made us both feel better)

She wanted to smell Snowflake :)

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