Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Mother's Day 2013

I had a great Mother's Day! Josh and Addyson surprised me with a card and presents! They got me a new portrait lens for my camera and a lens protector!

We had donuts for breakfast (Addyson REALLY enjoyed her doughnut and her 2 munchkins she got for free at Dunkin Donuts for just being too cute), and then I started playing with my new lens.

Next, we got ready and headed to the Willowdale Steeplechase to meet up with the Federoff's. It was a nice time, but pretty windy and pretty chilly! AND, we had Capriotti's for lunch!! YUMMY!!

Then we traveled to the Vendrick's for a delicious cookout dinner. Addyson loved playing with everyone, and even "tried" to take a few naps!

She was one tired little girl on the way home!

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