Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Addy's a Pro at "Reading" Books

Addyson really has loved books for a while. But now she really loves to read them. She will now pretend to read her books. Point to all of the pictures in her books and tell me what she is looking at. She amazes me at what she knows like, tree, bear and fish. Words that I don't go over with her much, so she must be learning a lot at school!

But, at school today they said that she wasn't her normal self. She seemed tired and had a snotty nose. She also slept for 2 1/2 hours for her nap! NOT her normal hour...  Hopefully she can get rid of this bug before it gets the best of her. 

Later tonight, she enjoyed cuddling with him and playing with his new floor mats.
Haha... look at Josh in this one!

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