Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Wednesday, November 28th - Daddy Daycare

Blog by Daddy today! 

I'd like to give a salute to single parents and my wonderfully beautiful wife, Alison Federoff!

Today I took off so I could go to a couple doctors appointments. With that said it was my responsibility to get Addyson ready for school.

After struggling to get her dressed, a false alarm on the potty, opening every drawer and cabinet to see what's in there up stairs and putting on lotion (because she just had to have it), I finally got her ready for school.

Then I noticed her hair was crazy! Being a bald man I'm not too good with hair styling at any level.

It took me over a half hour of wrestling and playing and coaxing and manipulating Addy to allow me 10 minutes to put her hair in some sort of ponytail thing that I'm sure will be out within 5 minutes of her being at school!

Thank you Alison for everything you do everyday when I'm at work to take care of our little firecracker!

Single parents, I don't know how you do it and my prayers go out to you everyday!

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