Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Tuesday, March 20th - Free Rita's

Since today was the first day of spring Addy and I got our free Rita's!! We enjoyed root beer water ice. We had to wait a half hour but Addy enjoyed waving at all of the other kids in the line!

Tonight was another Alcatraz night and this time Mom mom joined in on the action (mostly just to enjoy Addy).

I think picture day went ok today. Her teachers said she wasn't really cheesing but she wasn't crying either. We will see when we get the pictures back! In the afternoon at daycare she finally figured out how to pull her hair out of her pig tails too.

Also, last night was the first night EVER that Addy slept without her swaddle overnight! She did awesome as expected. We decided that since she has been only wearing it for warmth and right now the weather is really warm we'd give it a try!!

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