Friday, March 20, 2015

The First Day of Spring!

But it sure didn't feel like it! It was SNOWY, cold and snowy. Blah! But that didn't stop us from getting our free Rita's!

We needed blankets to keep warm!

He loved it!!

March Happenings

These past few winter weeks have gone by pretty quickly. It feels like it was just Caden's birthday, and now its almost Addyson's birthday! We've had snow, more snow, cute kiddos and more snow. Hopefully even though its the first day of Spring, the snow is over for this year! :)

Admiring the snow

Horton and Cindy Lou Ho for Dr. Seuss' Birthday

I got to be there because of one of our Monday two hour delays

Play at home during another snow day, this time Josh was home with us! Thankfully since this was another sick day for us too!

More snow!

Static hair

Home after another snow day!

Addyson enjoying her swim lessons

The very LAST bag of frozen milk! I am so thankful that it was able to last this long! With Addyson, I had to throw out two big bag of about 40 of these pouches since I didn't use them in time!

Caden in skinny jeans

Teacher Addy

Sick Caden, again...

Both loving the mall playground!!

An old, GREAT, picture! Can you tell which one is Addy and Caden's Pop Pop??

BEST way to start the day!

St. Paddy's Day!