Friday, February 27, 2015

Addyson's First Swim Lesson

And she did great! She did very well listening to directions, interacting with the other kids and she wants to go back for more! Great Job, Addy! And Caden did awesome watching his sister! He is the BEST second baby ever!! HE just sat on my lap the entire time, about 45 minutes! He is amazing too! I love both of them so, so, so, so, so much!

The Best of Friends :)

Addyson, most of the time, says that she loves her brother. And it shows. Its the most amazing thing to watch! The 3 almost four year old and the toddler :)

Even sharing the table!

Last Bottle of Pumped Milk

I was able to pump for a year again with Caden. Hard to believe that this time has come. So hard to believe that this time has come. My last time bringing my pump to school. Where did my baby go?

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Caden's First Birthday

We had a great time celebrating Caden's First Birthday! We had a good turn out, even though snow made it difficult to drive home in.

Caden is walking!

Just like Addyson, right before his first birthday he really started talking steps. Go Caden!

Addyson and Caden

Addyson and Caden have really starting to love playing with one another. More so Caden than Addy, but she does love her brother! Whenever Addysons door is open, he makes a b-line over to it! His favorite is the front porch of her doll house.

Caden loves his food!!

Addyson loves the pool, not Caden. We are working on him though!

My cute Valentines Dates! Plus Josh :)

Caden tasting Fastnacht's for the first time!

Retro Caden

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Princess Tea Party - Juliana's 6th Birthday Party

Addyson had a great time at Jules' Birthday Party! She was so excited to dress as Elisa and to have a Princess Ball :) All of the girls looked gorgeous! And the party was wonderful, great food, great company and great games!

 And before the party, we visited my parents. The kids had a great time!

Caden Sleeping with Dude
 Caden Crawling